Monday, February 23, 2009

My Little Overachiever

Drake picked this pose to depict his joy over being awarded Student of the Week. Watch out Justin Timberlake.

Today was a special day for the Schwartz Family. Drake met his reading goal and received his T-shirt at Rise and Shine this morning. He has informed me that he does not have to read anymore. I decided not to enter into this battle. Let him believe that for now.

A little while later he was awarded as the Student of the Week. I was thrilled until Todd, my very sensitive husband said "It is like Dale Carnegie...everyone gets a chance to win." I am still thrilled. He can't rain on my parade.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Working It

There is no denying it. Fashion is in his blood. It is unfair that it comes to him at an early age. I have to work hard every day to achieve mediocrity.