Monday, December 15, 2008

Almost our Christmas Photo

This was almost our Christmas Photo for our card this year. Unfortunately, the dogs has other plans.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Drake's 2nd Date

Today Drake disappeared into his bedroom. I heard the closet doors banging and I am thinking what is going on. Drake yells "just a minute", to my question "Are you alright?". He emerges in Jeans, Snoopy Halloween Socks and a shirt in his hands. "Mom", he says. "I need to look good for Charli". "I need to put this on". I proceed to help him.

A few minutes later, he comes back to ask "Do I look fat in this?" Is this really happening I think to myself. I curse society. Even an Apergerish boy is effected by what society dictates. I respond to him, "No, you look are not fat". He goes on to play and I am left wondering.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gobble Gobble...Happy Thanksgiving!

Drake had his Thanksgiving dinner at school today. Drake and I opted for a private dinning room and Chick-Fil-a. Drake's teacher made this hat. I love it. Drake wrote that he is thankful for his family and poodle. We don't have a poodle. Maybe Drake has another life I am not aware of.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Christmas Cards

I have been viewing photos from the past year to depict our love as a family. I came across this one. It's perfect. There just one thing missing. Where's Todd? I think that he was taking a nap under a tree.

Monday, November 3, 2008

A glimpse of Heaven

Drake attends Equine Therapy once a week. He rides with two other children. Each child comes with their own special abilities. Riding like most things in life does not always come easily for them. But once they achieve the unachievable a smile emerges. A symbol of times when all things will be possible.

I'm Batman!

For months leading up to Halloween Drake was a Clone Wars Storm Trouper. The costume is so loved that it made it to the in the wash several times. But on the day of the Costume Carnival, he decided he needed a change. He thought that he "needed" the Batman costume. How could I refuse those big brown